Dress Code

Bonita Springs High School follows the dress code written in the Lee County Code of Conduct.  The purpose of the dress code is to encourage students to focus on the learning process without the distractions of unsuitable dress and grooming, as well as developing good habits that will lead to “dressing for success” in college and career. Students shall maintain a clean, orderly appearance at all times. The responsibility for the personal appearance of the student rests with the parent/guardian and the student. Personal appearance shall not disrupt the educational process. A student who is dressed appropriately is demonstrating a respect for self and others, as well as contributing to a safe and orderly learning environment. The following establishes the minimum acceptable standards for student dress to be interpreted and enforced by the principal or designee. Enforcement will focus on positive guidance without embarrassment to the student and should not disrupt the educational process. Principals have the authority with their staff and community, as permitted by School Board policy, to establish additional standards at individual schools.  

  • Apparel shall be adequate in both length and coverage to be considered appropriate for school.
  • Pants shall be worn fastened and at the waist with no undergarments showing.
  • Pants with holes, tears, etc. may not be worn if, in the principal’s judgment, they may cause a disruption to the school environment.
  • Shirts shall be appropriately fastened in accord with the design of the shirt. The length shall extend beyond the waist level.
  • Clothing that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner is prohibited.
  • Transparent or see-through tops, tops that bare midriff, strapless, low-cut clothing, or tops and outfits that provide minimum coverage, or are of a suggestive nature are prohibited; halters, backless dresses or tops, tube tops, tank tops, muscle shirts, or any clothing which may be distracting are prohibited.
  • Any articles of clothing or jewelry that could likely cause injury such as chains, bracelets, rings, and chokers with or without spikes or studs are prohibited. Wallet chains of any length are prohibited.
  • Students must wear shoes at all times that are safe and appropriate for the learning environment.
  • Apparel, emblems, insignias, badges, or symbols that promote the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or any other illegal activity are prohibited.
  • Apparel or symbols which may be gang-related may not be displayed on a student’s person or in the student’s possession.
  • Gang-related tattoos, or other tattoos that may cause a substantial disruption to the educational environment as determined by the principal, are prohibited.
  • Adornments that, in the principal’s judgment could cause injury, be a safety risk, or cause a disruption to the school environment may not be worn. Examples of prohibited adornments include, but are not limited to, hoops or rings attached to the nose, eyebrow, cheeks, or lips.
  • The wearing on campus of hats, caps, headgear (including hoodies), or sunglasses except in conjunction with designated school-approved uniforms, or at authorized athletic practices or activities is prohibited. There may be certain exceptions for medical conditions, religious observation, and physical education classes held outside. The principal will determine these exceptions.
  • Any method of public display (including clothing, nail polish, and other items that may be worn or carried) of an organization affiliated with controversial, obscene, or illegal activities on a person may not be worn if, in the principal’s judgement, they may cause a substantial disruption to the school environment.
  • Long/oversized coats, jackets, or jerseys are prohibited.
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